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Into the Book

 Into the Book 


We Are Teachers website at ( offers ideas, inspirations, and give aways for teachers. This is a website that teachers can rely on in order to work on students’ reading skills. This website contains many techniques that will definitely build children’s literacy. All of the websites included on this front website targets reading improvement skills. It is mainly designated to improve reading where it needs to be and to build reading at the same time where there is needed. This website is the front page for the different reading improvements skills websites. Included on this website are forty-five other useful and helpful websites that I chose only one from. There are many interesting more but I have to focus on only one. 

Into the Book website is the unique one I chose from the front page website to write about. Into the Book can be found at ( This link will take you to the front page of the unique website Into the Book. On this website, when you click on the choice about this project, it will take you to the description about this website that can be found at ( The mission and goal of this website is to improve students’ reading comprehension, as well as their ability to think and learn across the curriculum, as mentioned on the front page of this website. This statement makes it clear that the intention of this website is indeed true. In addition, the content on this website is inspiring at the the same time. It equipped teachers with resources to rely on to enrich learning and improve teaching such as; video clips, posters, teacher guides, lesson plans and matrix linking each activity with Common Core Standards in English Language Arts. 

More things that are included on this website that are also helpful in building children in literacy are student website, which contains interactive reading comprehension activities, classroom videos teaching children how to be strategic readers, and many more. 

The resources! The resources included on this same website page are stunning. They are related in a way that they address the lesson plan contents and the writing processes that teachers develop and addresses everyday at work. For examples, prior knowledge, making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, summarizing, evaluating, synthesizing, and strategies together. These are all good resources to dive into. 

Into the Book is beneficial to teaching and learning. This means that not only teachers can benefit from this website but students as well. What teachers are equipped with are blessings to students. When teachers are well equipped, students are more likely to succeed in many ways. This website is the right place for teachers to look for and implement. Everything on this website is teacher approved and is for sure good to rely on. Everything on it is effective in building literacy in children, and that is the number one goal teachers have in mind.
